This time of year we always spend a lot of time in the Country where some of my family lives. The guys hunt while the girls shop and cook and we all laugh a lot. I'm so thankful for the memories we make each year. So happy that my hubby got a good deer this year. It was a tough year since we lost my brother-in-law in July. He was a bit of a hunting guide for many of the guys and his presence was missed greatly by all of us. He certainly contributed to the many laughs had by all over the years. We miss you T.
We decided to celebrate our baby's 21st birthday with a bonfire in the country this year. What a fun time! We even got to learn a bit of salsa dancing in our cowboy boots around the fire from a foreign exchange student my nephew brought home from college for Thanksgiving.
I'm pretty sure she loved her non cake birthday cake. 21 Chocolate peanut butter whoopie pies!!
Much of our shopping revolved around the newest addition to the family. Apparently we all thought he'd look cute in hats.
We were right!!